Who We Are & What We Do www.drmich.org Who We Are. Disability Rights Michigan (DRM) serves individuals with disabilities. A disability is: * a physical or mental impairment * something that limits one or more major life activities (walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, learning, working) * occurs any time in life * affects children or adults DRM is an advocacy organization. Our staff include attorneys and advocates who are dedicated to advancing the human and civil rights of individuals with disabilities. DRM allies with the civil rights community to make progress in Michigan. DRM is independent of state government and is not connected to service providers or facilities. We are private, nonprofit, and nonpartisan, funded by Federal, state, and private grants and donations. We serve the entire state of Michigan. What We Do. DRM Talks to Anyone. Do you have questions about disability rights? We can help! * Call and speak with an advocate * Contact us through our website * Advocates provide brief advice, information, referrals * We support self-advocates * Anyone can call – we talk to everyone * Services are free and confidential DRM Focus Areas * Abuse/Neglect * Education * Employment * Voting Rights * Access to Services Statewide. DRM Tackles Statewide Legal Problems. Individuals with disabilities face barriers in school, work, voting, community services and many other areas. DRM advocates and attorneys go after these problems through direct advocacy and litigation. DRM also makes systemic change through public policy advocacy, media advocacy, and training/outreach. DRM Addresses Abuse and Neglect. Individuals with disabilities suffer from abuse, neglect, and exploitation in facilities where they live and receive services. DRM monitors facilities and investigates abuse and neglect cases to better protect vulnerable people. DRM has authority to access people, facilities, and in some cases records in our work. Our Services Are Free & Confidential. 800.288.5923 or 517.487.1755 www.DRMich.org What Makes Us Unique. DRM is mandated to exist by federal law. We are: * Directed by the expressed wishes of the people we serve. * Authorized to pursue legal remedies, on behalf of individual clients and in our own name. * Driven to achieve individual and systemic change.