PAIMI Council Meeting Minutes Via zoom January 23, 2024 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Land at 11:06 am. Attendance Present: Christina Agle, Joelle Gurnoe-Adams, Fiona Hert, Renee Kimball-Rouse, Christopher Land, Lois Shulman, Trina Tocco, Mora Wilkevicz Absent: Sue Franklin, Davin Hemmila, Veronica Ibrahim, James Rye, Charles Scott Staff: Michelle Roberts, Michele Brand, Kyle Williams, Simon Zagata, Kris Keranen Guests: Emily Henderson, McCall Hamilton Amanda Bouwman, Teddy Dorsette III, and Jacqueline Cuevas, DRM Board members Patty Neitman, Phil Kurdunowicz, Ali Cosgrove, and Kim Batsche-McKenzie, MDHHS, Bureau of Physical Health and Aging Services Administration Stephanie Service, Assistant Attorney General Amanda and Mandalynn, interpreters Approval of the Agenda The agenda was presented for approval. Chair Land asked for a motion to approve the agenda and took a vote. Joelle Gurnoe-Adams MOVED to approve the agenda and Lois Shulman seconded it. A vote was taken. AYES: all NAYS: none Motion carried. Approval of the minutes The minutes from November 21, 2023, were presented for approval. Chair Land asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Mora Wilkevicz MOVED to approve the minutes and Joelle Gurnoe-Adams seconded it. A vote was taken. AYES: all NAYS: none Motion carried. MDHHS Children’s Bureau update – Patricia Neitman Kyle Williams gave a brief explanation of the PAIMI Advisory Council and introduced Patty Neitman, Director of Bureau of Children’s Coordinated Health Policy & Supports (BCCHPS), and Patty introduced Phil Kurdunowicz, Kim Batsche-McKenzie and Ali Cosgrove from the Bureau. Patty gave an overview of the Bureau stating it was formed in March 2022 to build upon and consolidate work accomplished over the past 25 years to improve access and provision of childrens’ behavioral health services. A question was asked how the hierarchy works in Michigan. The Bureau works closely with CMHs as well as working directly with families on occasion. They also partner with the Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration (BPHASA) as it relates to Medicaid funded services and programs and initiatives. Kim, Division Director for Program & Grant Development & Quality Monitoring, gave a brief explanation of what her division does using data to create a dashboard for policy decision making. Discussion was held as to where and how the Bureau gets the data they use. Phil, Division Director for Access Standards, Service Array, and Policy, shared that his division focuses on providing oversight and support for delivery of Medicaid funded children’s behavioral health services on a statewide basis. Questions were asked and discussions were held regarding partnerships and services as well as feedback on the presentation. PAIMI financial update Michele Brand referred to the PAC expenses indicating she added funds for one in-person meeting including food and she also added additional expenses for interpreters for zoom meetings. The overall PAIMI budget is looking good, and we were slightly overspent due to the usual prepayment of insurance and business expenses. Grievance update Theresa Diebolt did not attend this meeting and the following grievance update was emailed to PAIMI Advisory Council members on January 31, 2024. This is a follow up to the PAC meeting held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.  This is to let you know there were two grievance forms/packets requested since the last meeting held on November 21, 2023.  One request was for a PAIMI (mental illness) eligible client, and the other was for a TBI (traumatic brain injury) eligible client.  No grievances were filed. Public Comment There were no public comments. Legislative update Emily Henderson mentioned the two House members winning their elections for Mayor, so the House is still a 54/54 split. She discussed the outlook for the year as well as the state budget. There are a couple statewide initiatives discussed and what she expects to see in the coming months. Emily talked about Senate bill 227, that did not get signed at the end of 2023, which was legislation to change the state statute to allow for emergency intervention at CCIs, CMHs, or where a child with complex needs is being housed. When it went back to the House for reconsideration, it was 52/52 vote. Senator Michael Weber out of Rochester Hills asked State Auditor General to investigate state run psychiatric hospitals including Hawthorn Center. It was approved by the Auditor General so we will be getting more information on that in the coming months. This is a result of ongoing investigations, particularly in Wayne County. Further discussion was held regarding requesting that Algeria Wilson attend the next PAC meeting and Emily has been in contact with her and will follow up to get her availability. Litigation update Kyle Williams began by thanking council members for their questions and feedback to the MDHHS Children’s Bureau staff and reminded everyone the Bureau was created as a result of the work of Disability Rights Michigan. This is all to benefit children with behavioral and mental health needs in the community. In terms of litigation on that case, we are hopeful to reach an agreement with MDHHS’ negotiation team and have a finalized agreement by the next meeting. Once we move past the settlement of this lawsuit, we will move to the implementation phase involving setting up benchmarks for commitments regarding access to services, availability of services including crisis services and the timeliness of services. Williams discussed another lawsuit filed on behalf of an individual with a developmental disability who should have received community living supports and respite services. He did not receive services because there were no providers available for him due to a shortage in the state. We went to hearing and the judge ordered CMH to provide the services in his plan of care. Unfortunately, the client still did not receive services and we ended up in the Court of Appeals to enforce CMH to comply with the order and provide the services. This case has had tremendous impact on our client and will have potential impact on other individuals, including PAIMI-eligible people. Education update Kris Keranen shared her team has been working on two new areas of focus. The first one involves making the Michigan Department of Education’s system of general supervision of special education more effective. They are the entity that gives assurances to the federal government that we are implementing all the special education laws, and that system has been needing improvement. A lawsuit was filed against them on behalf of particular students in the Kalamazoo schools where the Department of Education was put on notice of problems by complaints filed. The district was found out of compliance but the system for ensuring compliance was not effective. This is ongoing litigation and is a long process. Kris stated her team continues to work on behalf of kids who are being put out of school because of challenging, disability-related behaviors. Other issues involve young people who are in institutional settings or in foster care who are moved around often due to their disability. Their education suffers in many instances. We are looking to promote some legislation that was introduced. CAIR Team update Simon reiterated the Auditor General is going to be auditing the entire state run inpatient psychiatric hospital system including the Office of Recipient Rights. Emily and Simon met with Senator Weber’s office to discuss some of the issues Simon’s team sees when monitoring. He also mentioned his team has two projects in state hospitals involving delayed discharge and enforcement of gender affirming care policies in the state psychiatric hospitals. Old Business 1. Council membership – we are currently in compliance. 2. Conferences/trainings/initiatives – members were reminded to let Theresa know when they attend any these. 3. Contact information – members can check the PAIMI portal to ensure their information is correct and let Theresa know of any changes. New Business 1. SAMHSA PAIMI Site Review – members were reminded the review is taking place the first week in May. There will be a preparatory meeting(s) scheduled. 2. Outreach ideas 3. Conferences/trainings/initiatives – none discussed. 4. Topics/interests to be discussed at future meetings. Adjourn The Chair adjourned the meeting at 1:25 pm. The next scheduled meeting is April 23, 2024. 2 2