Michigan CMH System – Know Your Rights

Adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, mental illness, and substance use disorders may receive community-based behavioral and mental health services and supports through their local Community Mental Health Service Provider, known as the CMH or CMHSP.

Intake or access staff at local CMH offices conduct assessments and eligibility screenings to evaluate the level and types of services needed.  They may also provide brief crisis services.

Medicaid recipients are entitled to obtain services that are medically necessary if they have a serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or intellectual/developmental disability.  Priority is given to the most serious forms of disability and to those in urgent situations.  At times, people who do not qualify for Medicaid will be placed on a waiting list if there is not enough funding to provide services from a recommended program.  However, no one may be denied services because they cannot afford to pay for services.

The CMHSPs are overseen by the Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration (BHDDA), which is located within the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

There are 46 CMHSPs that are managed by 10 Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs)

When you receive mental health services, Chapter Seven, of the Michigan Mental Health Code and other laws safeguard your rights. CMHSP staff are responsible for protecting your rights when they provide services to you. Your rights include the right to be treated with dignity and respect, the right to receive treatment suited to condition, the right to participate in decisions regarding your treatment, the right to give informed consent, freedom from abuse or neglect, the right to confidentiality, and more.  For more information, click on the link below:


All consumers have the right to a fair and efficient process for resolving local disputes and complaints regarding their services and supports managed and delivered by Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs).  Each CMHSP must have a written local dispute resolution process.  There are several options available to pursue resolution of disputes and complaints.

All consumers have the option to file a recipient Rights complaint a grievance and/or request a local appeal.  This includes people who are covered by Medicaid and those who are not.  Which type of complaint you file will depend on what your complaint is about.


This information is a service of Disability Rights Michigan (DRM). It provides general information, based on the law at the time we wrote it, and is not legal advice. You do not have an attorney-client relationship with DRM. If you need legal advice, you should contact an attorney. If you would like more information about this topic or would like to receive this information in an alternative format call DRM at 800.288.5923.

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