Conflicts of Interest exist in virtually all organizations and due to recent changes in the IRS rules, conflicts are no longer limited to financial dealings. Potential Conflicts of Interest may include DRM Board members, PAIMI Advisory Council members and DRM staff taking positions in opposition to the DRM mission and principles or taking a position that financially or personally benefits the Board, Council or Staff Member or his/her immediate family. *
In addition, DRM has recently (August 1, 2018) implemented the Social Security Administration Representative Payee program, The Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act of 2017.
Some of the members of the Governing Board of Directors and the PAIMI Advisory Council may find their role as a Representative Payee under investigation by DRM.
When such conflicts arise, the member of the Board of Directors or PAIMI Advisory Council must divulge the real, perceived, or possible conflict of interest and shall abstain from influencing decisions that restricts the DRM independent responsibilities under the applicable Protection and Advocacy (P&A) laws.
This “Conflict of Interest” policy must annually be agreed to by each member of the Board Directors and PAIMI Advisory Council.
I _______________________________ agree that if I become aware of a real, perceived or potential conflict of interest, I will, to the best of my ability, disclose said conflict and abstain from voting and/or discussions as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
I understand and agree that as an DRM officer, Board Member, PAIMI Advisory Council member or DRM staff, acting on behalf of DRM, I shall adhere to the highest standard of ethical conduct and avoid activities or situation where my personal or business interests could conflict, or reasonably appear to conflict, with the best interests of DRM and its Mission.
I understand and agree to abide by all aspects of the DRM Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement. My failure to abide by all aspects of this Policy and Disclosure Statement may result in forfeiture of my seat on the DRM Board of Directors.
I hereby certify that the information set forth above is correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I understand that I must promptly advise the President of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director of DRM of any change in this information.